Data Policy

Last update: September 2021

This policy describes the information we process in order to provide Oshinstar's services and features. You can obtain additional tools and information in the Oshinstar settings.

What kind of information do we collect?

We must process your information in order to provide the Oshinstar product. The type of information we collect depends on how you use our Product. You can learn how to access and delete the information we collect in the Oshinstar settings.

Things you and others do and provide

Information and content you provide to us.

We collect the content, communications and other information you provide when you use our Products, for example, when you register for an account, create or share content, and send messages to or communicate with others. This information may pertain to data contained in or related to the content you provide (e.g., metadata), such as where a photo was taken or the date a file was created. It may also include content you see through features we make available to you, such as giving you tips on how to use camera formats. Our systems automatically process the content and communications you and others provide to analyze the context and what is included in connection with the purposes described below. Learn more about how to control who can see the content you share.

  • Special Category Data: You may choose to provide information in your Oshinstar profile fields or major events about your religious or political views, interests or health-related issues. This and other information (such as racial or ethnic origin, philosophical beliefs) may be subject to special protection under the laws of your country.

Networks and connections.

We collect information about all the profiles you are connected to and how you interact with them on our Products, for example, the people you communicate with most or the community of any talent you are a part of. We also collect contact information if you choose to upload, sync or import it from a device. We use this data for purposes such as helping you and others find people you may know, as well as for the purposes listed below.

Your usage

We collect information about how you use our Products, such as the types of content you view or interact with, the features you use, the actions you take, the accounts you interact with, and the time, frequency and duration of your activities. For example, we record when you are using and when you last used our Products, and what type of content you view on our Products. We also collect information about how you use features, such as our camera.

Information about transactions made on our Products.

If you use our Products to conduct a financial transaction (for example, when you purchase content or make a donation), we collect data about those purchases or transactions. This data includes payment information, such as your credit or debit card number and other card information, as well as account and authentication data, billing and contact details.

Other users' activity and the information they provide about you.

We also receive and analyze content, communications and information provided to us by others when using our Products. This data may include information about you, such as if others send you a message, sync or import your contact information.

Device Information

As described below, we collect information from the computers, phones, and other internet-connected devices you use that integrate with our Products, and we combine it across the different devices you use. For example, we use the information we collect about your use of our Products on your phone to improve the personalization of the content or features you see when you use our Products on another device, such as a laptop or tablet.

The data we collect from these devices includes the following:

Device characteristics:

information such as operating system, hardware and software version, battery charge level, signal strength, available storage space, browser type, application or file types and names, and plugins.

Device operations:

Information about operations and behaviors performed on the device, such as bringing a window to the foreground or background, or mouse movements (which allows distinguishing humans from bots).


Unique identifiers, device identifiers, and other identifiers (e.g., for games, apps, or accounts you use).

Device signals:

Bluetooth signals and information about nearby beacons, cell towers, and Wi-Fi hotspots.

Device configuration data:

Information you allow us to receive by activating the corresponding setting on the device, such as access to GPS location, camera and photos.

Network and connections:

Information such as the name of your mobile operator or internet provider, language, time zone, cell phone number, IP address, connection speed and, in some cases, information about other devices that are near or on your network to help us, for example, stream a video from your phone to your TV.

Data from cookies stored on your device, including cookie settings and identifiers. Learn more about how we use cookies in the Oshinstar Cookie Policy.

How do we use this information?

We use the information we have (in accordance with the choices you make) as described below to provide the Oshinstar Products and related services described in the Terms of Service, as well as to ensure their operation. We use this data for the following:

To provide, customize and improve our Products.

We use the information we have to offer our Products, as well as to customize features and content and provide suggestions, both within and outside of our Products. In order to create personalized Products that are unique and appropriate for you, we use your connections, preferences, interests and activities based on the data we collect and that you and others provide to us, as well as how you use and interact with our Products and the people, places or things you connect with and show interest in, both inside and outside of our Products. Learn more about how we use information about you to personalize your Oshinstar experience, including features, content and recommendations on Oshinstar Products. You can also learn more about how we choose the ads you see.

Information across devices and Oshinstar Products:

We link information about your activities across devices and Oshinstar Products to provide you with a more personalized and consistent experience across all Products, regardless of the device on which you use them. For example, we may optimize your experience by automatically populating registration information (such as phone number) that you have included on one Oshinstar Product when you sign up for an account on another.

We use location-related information, such as your current location, where you live and places you like to visit, as well as companies and people near you, to provide, customize and improve our Products to make them more relevant to you and others. This type of information may be based on data such as precise device location (if you have allowed us to collect this information), IP addresses and Oshinstar Product usage information.

Product Research and Development:

We use the information we have to develop, test and improve our Products (including through surveys and research), as well as to test and troubleshoot new features and products.

Facial recognition:

If this feature is enabled, facial recognition technology allows us to recognize you in photos, videos and camera experiences. The facial recognition patterns we create may constitute special category data under the laws of your country. You can learn more about how we use this technology or control how we use this functionality in the Oshinstar settings.

Promoting Safety, Integrity and Security.

We use the information we have to verify accounts and activities, combat harmful behavior, detect and prevent spam and other negative experiences, maintain the integrity of our Products, and promote safety and security both inside and outside of Oshinstar Products. For example, we use this data to investigate suspicious activity or violations of our terms and policies, or to detect whether an individual is in need of assistance. For more information, please see the Oshinstar security help desk.

Communicating with you.

We use the information available to us to send you marketing messages, to let you know about our Products and to inform you about our policies and terms. We also use it to respond to you when you contact us.

To conduct research and innovation for social welfare.

We use the information we have (including information from the research partners we work with) to conduct and support research and innovation related to general social welfare, advances in technology, and public interest, health and welfare. For example, we analyze the information we have on migration patterns during an emergency situation to assist humanitarian relief efforts. Learn more about our research programs.

Last updated

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